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Displaying 141 - 160 of 491

The Crop Insurance Industry’s Top Seven Whoppers

The crop insurance industry must be getting desperate. The federal crop insurance program from which this industry profits handsomely is coming under increasing scrutiny. The industry's claims to...

Obama Offers $18 Billion Fix to Bloated Crop Insurance Program

This week, President Obama released a 2017 fiscal year budget proposal that would save taxpayers more than $18 billion and better protect America's land and water.

Insurance by Any Other Name…?

Like most Americans, I have firsthand experience on how insurance is supposed to work. I've had auto insurance since the end of high school when I got the keys to my first car. And I've paid for...

The Empty Promise of Farm Subsidy 'Reform' Savings

In 2014, Congress eliminated direct payments to farmers, replacing them with two new subsidy programs known as Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC County) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC). The Congressional...

Will the Obama Administration Give Cotton Growers a New $10 Billion Subsidy?

The price tag for subsidizing cottonseed turns out to be a whopping $10 billion over the next 10 years. The cotton industry wants to take that big chunk of change out of the pockets of taxpayers who...

Corn Growers Don’t Need the Corn Ethanol Mandate

The corn ethanol mandate requires refiners to blend more and more ethanol into gasoline. But there is already a “natural” marketplace demand for ethanol. If there were no mandate, gasoline refiners...

Big Business Wins, Taxpayers Lose in Crop Insurance Industry

Huge multinational corporations are selling off their crop insurance businesses. The reason, according to the industry, is that business is just too bad, despite billions in federal subsidies. What...

How the Fincher Stole Christmas (for the cotton industry)

What could a member of Congress who has collected more than $3 million in federal cotton subsidies want in his Christmas stocking this year? If you're Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn.), the answer is...

More Candy for Cotton Farmers?

Greed, at least when it comes to the cotton industry and its lobbyists, isn't taking a break this holiday season. Cotton farmers cut a sweet deal in the 2014 farm bill. In return for their very own...

Time to Lift the Veil of Secrecy from the Crop Insurance Program

The head of the crop insurance industry's trade group is objecting to an EWG analysis that found that crop insurance companies could easily absorb cuts to their taxpayer-guaranteed rate of return. But...

Reid Opposes Deal to Restore Crop Insurance Industry's Higher Rate of Return

A back-room deal to restore crop insurance companies' sky-high guaranteed rate of return won't stand if Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has anything to say about it.

Crop Insurance: An Annual Disaster

Crop insurance has come under attack for its increasing cost, environmental harm and secrecy. The farm lobby, the crop insurance industry and their political patrons push back by claiming that despite...

“Obamacare” of Crop Insurance? Not Exactly.

Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) will oppose a budget deal because $3 billion in savings come at the expense of giant crop insurance companies. In his statement, Rep. Cramer called a proposal to limit...

Taxpayers’ Bill for Farm Subsidies: $30 Billion by 2018

The savings to taxpayers from the so-called reform of federal farm subsidies are turning out to be mythical – while cuts to programs to help farmers protect the environment are all too real.

Grasslands Go Under the Plow in the Prairie Pothole Region

An article in the May 27 edition of Harvest Public Media, an online news outlet devoted to news about agriculture, amounts to first-hand evidence of the destruction of the iconic Prairie Pothole...

Boondoggle: “Prevented Planting” Insurance Plows Up Wetlands, Wastes $Billions

A new EWG report released this week pulls back the curtain on the billions of taxpayer dollars that get wasted every year through the “prevented planting” federal crop insurance program that...

No Doubt About it: Price Tag Gets Ever Higher for New Gold-Plated Farm Subsidies

In a recent article in Politico, reporter David Rogers took issue with estimates of per-acre subsidy payments that growers could receive under the Agriculture Risk Coverage farm subsidy program...

Not Your Average Policy – Farmers Make Money Off Heavily Subsidized Crop “Insurance”

Buried in a recently released U.S. Government Accountability Office report is staggering evidence that the federal government's crop insurance program serves as another source of farm business income...

Crop Subsidies Soar under 2014 Farm Bill “Reforms”

The 2014 farm bill will prove to be the most expensive ever thanks to new subsidies Congress added on top of the already costly crop insurance program, researchers at the University of Missouri said...

Conservative Republican Kingmaker Pigged Out on Farm Subsidies

This weekend, Republican candidates for President will head to the first-ever Iowa Agriculture Summit to pledge their fealty to “free markets” and “smaller government.”

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