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Areas of Focus

Displaying 21 - 40 of 491

Calls to increase crop reference prices would help fewer than 6,000 farmers

Some farm groups and legislators have proposed increasing price guarantees for major crops. But the higher price guarantees would mostly benefit fewer than 6,000 farms in a few states, EWG found.

USDA livestock subsidies top $59 billion

The Department of Agriculture has spent at least $59 billion in subsidies for livestock and seafood producers since 1995, according to a new EWG analysis.

Federal Crop Insurance Program reforms can help farmers adapt to climate crisis and cut taxpayer costs

Farmers both contribute to the climate crisis – they’re responsible for producing at least 11 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions – and can also be devastated by its harmful effects, with extreme...

Increasing price guarantees primarily benefits Southern states, analysis shows

Increasing price guarantees for major crops would primarily benefit farmers growing peanuts, cotton and rice in Southern states, not corn and soybean farmers.

Funding for climate-smart agriculture critical to tackling the climate emergency

If Congress cuts billions in climate-smart funding for agriculture in the Inflation Reduction Act, or IRA, to increase farm subsidies, U.S. farmers could soon become the nation’s leading source of...

Hundreds of city slickers and beach bums received farm subsidies for 37 straight years

EWG has found 138 people who have received taxpayer-funded farm subsidies or disaster payments for 37 consecutive years – even though they live in some of the nation’s 50 largest cities or wealthy...

Slashing food, climate funds to boost subsidies would hurt farmers, hungry people

Cuts to funding for food assistance and “climate smart” agricultural conservation practices to increase USDA farm subsidies would hurt farmers in most states, including California, Michigan, New York...

Speaker McCarthy should target farm subsidies for the wealthy, not food stamps

This week, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) made ending food assistance for many hungry people one of his demands for raising the debt ceiling.

‘Fairway farmers’ collected $1.9 million in farm subsidies between 2018 and 2021

The grass is always greener for “fairway farmers” – despite living next to golf courses instead of crop land, they’ve raked in $1.9 million in federal farm subsidies between 2018 and 2021.

25 current members of the House collected $14 million in federal farm subsidies

Dozens of House lawmakers and their immediate family members, including eight members of the House Agriculture Committee or their family members, received over $14 million in federal farm subsidies...

Runaway farm subsidies, not SNAP spending, are the real problem

Some people think the biggest problem facing legislators updating this year’s farm bill is that we’re spending too much on feeding too many hungry people.

‘City slickers’ receiving federal farm subsidies soared under Trump

From coast to coast, almost 29,000 people in the 50 largest U.S. cities had received a combined $555 million in farm subsidies as of 2021, as the payments soared during the Trump administration.

Will agriculture be America’s leading source of greenhouse gas emissions?

Agriculture could produce more than a third of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Here’s why: Every other sector of the economy, especially transportation and energy, is expected to reduce...

Nearly 20,000 farmers received farm subsidies for 37 consecutive years

Nearly 20,000 farmers received taxpayer-funded federal farm subsidies or disaster relief payments for 37 consecutive years, according to a new EWG analysis.

Trump USDA farmer bailout funds flowed to Mar-a-Lago neighbor instead

Some federal bailout funds intended to help farmers weather former President Donald Trump’s trade war with China and the Covid-19 pandemic went instead to people living in some of the wealthiest...

Major USDA conservation program must change to prioritize climate stewardship

The federal Conservation Stewardship Program, or CSP, spends little of its billions in funding on practices and enhancements that reduce farming’s greenhouse gas emissions. But Congress could reform...

How to make climate change a priority in the next farm bill

Next year, Congress will renew the farm bill, which provides funding to our farmers and ranchers. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, annual spending by the Department of Agriculture on farm...

We must expand – and reform – the USDA’s Conservation Reserve Program

It’s good news the Inflation Reduction Act will invest $20 billion to reward farmers when they take steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

USDA Conservation Stewardship Program could do more to tackle climate emergency

The Senate is considering a budget reconciliation bill this week to increase “climate-smart” spending on farm conservation efforts by $20 billion over five years, including over $4 billion in new...

Few states are prioritizing climate with USDA incentive bonus program

Few states are making use of Department of Agriculture bonus payments that could help ramp up farm stewardship practices to reduce greenhouse gases, an EWG analysis finds. The USDA’s Environmental...
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