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Displaying 241 - 260 of 377

Scientists Want a Word with Farm Bureau's Stallman

It's tough to rattle a scientist's cage. But Bob Stallman, president of the American Farm Bureau, has found a way by scoffing repeatedly at the biblical calamities that climate change is predicted to...

For Farmers, Expected Costs of Climate Bill Are Still Minimal

In October, EWG released a report that questioned the misguided claims made by farm lobby organizations and their patrons in Congress who are arguing that climate change legislation would cause...

Needed: Your vote for EWG to win $15,000!

Social media is empowering the people. Right? Even if you're not convinced of that just yet, one thing is for sure: without your votes (yes, that's with an "s"), EWG won't win a $15,000 grant from the...

Researchers: Curbing Global Warming Would Boost Public Health

Taking steps to confront the threat of a warming planet would have the huge added payoff of making people healthier around the globe, a group of scientists have concluded in a unique package of new...

Drake Professor Takes Farm Bureau to the Climate Change Woodshed

Law professor Neil Hamilton penned a harsh critique of the Farm Bureau's dangerously shortsighed opposition to climate change legislation in a guest column in yesterday's Des Moines Register. Hamilton...

Climate Change and Health: An M.D. Weighs In

In a new report for Worldwatch Institute, Dr. Samuel Myers outlines the impacts of global environmental change on human health in compelling detail, from the increases in certain infectious diseases...

Will Big Ag Boycott Comedy after Al Gore's Latest Inconvenient Truths?

Big Ag is taking a beating from Al Gore's recent green blitz of late night comedy shows. On tour promoting his new book, Our Choice, the former VP and Nobel Prize and Oscar winner has been blunt in...

Attack of the Frankenfoods: Genetically Engineered Crops Use 26% More Pesticides, and Growing

The dedicated folks at The Organic Center released a hard hitting report today, Impacts of Genetically Engineered Crops on Pesticide Use: The First Thirteen Years.

High-Low: Playing Poker with the Climate

“Today's high (or low) temperature was an all-time record for this date.” How many times have you heard that? This kind of news has been a staple of local weather forecasts for decades. And if you'd...

Agriculture and Carbon: "The More We Mimic Mother Nature the Better"

Veteran reporter Dan Morgan has taken a hard, clear-eyed look at carbon markets for agriculture and the validity of various conservation practices aimed at fighting climate change (h/t

A Prairie Home Companion Pokes Fun at Iowa Corn

A Prairie Home Companion, the long-running radio variety show, Robert Altman movie and purveyor of powdermilk biscuits,usually broadcasts from St. Paul, Minnesota. Last week's performance originated...

USDA Research: Does No-Till Really Capture More Carbon?

The Agriculture Research Service (ARS) of the US Department of Agriculture released a surprising bit of climate change-related research on Tuesday, work that suggests that getting big cuts in...

Loophole Deja Vu: Senate Climate Bill's Agriculture Offsets Include Polluter Giveaway

Hearings began in the Senate last week on the Kerry-Boxer Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act. This bill, the companion legislation to the Waxman-Markey climate change bill passed by the House...

Climate Change Cage Match: EWG vs. Farm Bureau

Crying Wolf, EWG's recent report on current climate change legislation, convincingly debunked exaggerated claims that a cap-and-trade system to limit greenhouse gases will increase costs for the...

Gulf Dead Zone Cause and Cure: Remarks by Craig Cox

Mississippi River and Gulf of Mexico watershed informational slides.

California Leads on Climate Change, Except in Agriculture

When we talk about California and climate change, agriculture matters. California's agriculture sector faces two major challenges: Reduce its contribution to climate change. Arm itself against the...

Crying Wolf: Climate Change Will Cost Farmers Far More Than a Climate Bill

Farm industry leaders and their supporters in Congress are trying to derail climate change legislation by insisting that the House-passed bill, the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES), will...

Gulf Dead Zone Cause and Cure Known, Action Still Required

Remarks by Environmental Working Group Midwest Vice-President Craig Cox to the Mississippi River Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force Public Meeting.

With Water in Mind

Minneapolis Star Tribune Published September 18, 2006 The idea that agriculture has become a major source of pollution in the Mississippi River will startle many Midwesterners. But it's no surprise to...

Farm Subsidies Lead to Ocean Pollution, Researchers Say

New Standard, Jessica Azulay Published April 11, 2006 Every summer, a huge swell of algae spreads through the Gulf of Mexico and then dies, smothering aquatic life in its wake. Scientists have...
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