Envirohealth News: Home on the trash heap, and recycle your CFLs!

CFLs contain mercury. Recycle them!As the Santa Ana winds begin to die down and Southern Californians take stock of the damages, some in the media are noting the impact that global warming may have on wildfires. In the UK, the BBC asks: Have lessons of Katrina been learnt?

Senator Boxer and Representative Gordon are not pleased that the White House censored expert testimony about global warming. Sections on global warming as a public health threat and global warming vulnerability were removed. Why, I wonder, would the Administration do that?

While we're on the subject of global warming: ten northeastern states have put together a regional plan to auction off credits to industrial plants to cover their CO2 emissions. The plan is designed to put dirtier plants at a competitive disadvantage and encourage the use of cleaner generators and more efficient technology.

Location, location, location: EnCap wants to build luxury homes atop old toxic trash heaps in the Meadowlands, but real estate investors aren't buying it.

Critics call the greening of schools a fad and a waste of money. I call it a real education.

Compact fluorescent lightbulbs save money and energy -- and because they save energy, less mercury-per-bulb is emitted from coal-fired power plants. Unfortunately, each bulb contains a few milligrams of mercury, which means they can't be thrown out. Apparently GE is working to change that. In the meantime, make sure you recycle them!

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