EnviroHealth in blogs: Green tea, nurdles, and demystifying the Farm Bill

greentea.jpgA little light reading to get you through your Wednesday.

In response to a reader comment, Marc at Ethicurean boils the Food and Farm Bill down to a handful of easy to understand talking points. Now calling your senator will be a piece of cake! (Cake made with organic ingredients, of course.)

Does green tea really fight cancer? The Angry Toxicologist thinks we've been had, and he lays out the facts (however few there are) for your perusal.

Jeffry at The Inspired Protagonist warns, “If you have your nails done, read this!” And oh, who’s that he quotes down near the bottom? Why yes, it’s EWG’s own Sonya Lunder, from the article that ran in The New York Times.

David Michaels at The Pump Handle calls the Consumer Product Safety Commission chicken. Apparently it’s poor practice to hold off until the industry you regulate asks for regulation. Who knew?

The Sierra Club’s Compass Blog improves our vocabulary. Do you know what nurdle means?

Effect Measure takes a look at the headlines surrounding the UK smoking ban. People may be inhaling less second hand smoke these days, but they’re sure getting a lot more spin.

And over at EnviroMom, Renee is on a quest to clean up her personal care products. If you’re a little unnerved by Softsoap’s Skin Deep scores, you might want to check out her liquid hand soap recipe.

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