Green Goodbye

Cremation is a big environmental issue, as well as the choice of most Australians. While the process reduces us to ash, it also produces pollutants and carbon dioxide that goes directly into the atmosphere. According to estimates of the Australian government, one cremation produces up to 50 liters of carbon dioxide and it takes about 70 minutes.

An environmentally friendly alternative is being buried at an eco-cemetery that buries the body in a way that helps the environment. Advocates of green farewells argue that even though we have about 6.5 billion people on the planet, no attention is paid to how we dispose of their remains.

Our last emission shouldn't be the biggest of our lives," says Roger Short, professor at Melbourne University. "We need to think how we can lower our carbon footprint, and we could do an awful lot after death, if we left behind a tree."

To read more about this, check out this Brisbane Times article.

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