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Displaying 41 - 60 of 255

Feds cave to PG&E over license exemption for aging Diablo Canyon nuclear plant

Ignoring long-standing precedents, statutes and regulations, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission today gave Pacific Gas & Electric the green light to operate California’s last remaining nuclear plant...

California gas prices tick up as lawmakers consider penalty on Big Oil’s windfall profits

The average price for a gallon of gas in California is roughly 24 cents more than a month ago, with prices up to almost $5 a gallon, once again some of the highest in the U.S.

Farm subsidies, not anti-hunger programs, should be focus of budget cuts

Yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office released “baseline” projections for mandatory Department of Agriculture farm and food programs in the 2023 Farm Bill, which members of Congress will use to...

California lawmaker introduces bill to eliminate fiberglass from mattresses and other upholstered furniture

Today California Assemblymember Laura Friedman (D-Glendale) introduced Assembly Bill 1059, which would ban the sale of mattresses and upholstered furniture that contain fiberglass in the state.

Big Oil spent tens of millions in 2022 on influence peddling in Sacramento as industry profits – and gas prices – soared

California’s powerful fossil fuel industry spent more than $34 million last year to lobby the legislature and state agencies, according to just-released filings with the secretary of state’s office.

California bill would ban cosmetics with chemicals linked to cancer, reproductive harm

Today California Assemblymember Laura Friedman (D-Glendale) introduced Assembly Bill 496 to ban the sale of cosmetic products that contain 26 toxic chemicals known to have an effect on human health.

More rampant gas price gouging: Exxon reaps obscene $56 billion profit for 2022 on backs of hard-working Americans

ExxonMobil posted record windfall profits in 2022 of $56 billion, according to the oil giant’s fourth-quarter earnings report, released Tuesday. Hard-working Americans getting fleeced at the gas pump...

Gas gouging payday: Chevron announces record $35.5 billion profits for 2022

On Friday, California-based Chevron announced it made nearly $36 billion in record profits in 2022, more than double what the oil giant made the previous year.

NRC refuses PG&E request to resume review of Diablo Canyon nuclear plant extension

On Tuesday, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s technical staff refused a request by Pacific Gas & Electric, or PG&E, to resume reviewing a 2009 license renewal application for the aging Diablo...

California lawmaker introduces bill to eliminate lead from school drinking water

California Assemblymember Chris Holden (D-Pasadena) on Wednesday introduced a bill aimed at removing all lead from drinking and cooking water used in schools, which would help protect young children...

EWG urges California legislature to approve bill tackling Big Oil’s gas price ripoff gouging hard-working people at the pump

The Environmental Working Group is urging California’s legislature to approve Gov. Gavin Newsom’s plan to end gas price gouging, saying it will send a message to the oil industry that its days of...

Environmental groups blow the whistle on state/PG&E illegal scheme to keep Diablo Canyon operating past license expiration dates

Today, San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace (SLOMFP), Friends of the Earth (FOE), and Environmental Working Group (EWG) filed a petition asserting that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) does not...

PG&E reports nuclear reactor welding leak at Diablo Canyon facility

Pacific Gas & Electric found damage to part of a reactor cooling system at the aging Diablo Canyon nuclear plant in California, but it hasn’t yet answered key questions about the extent of the problem...

SHOCKER: Big Oil caught lying to voters in signature drive to reverse drilling ban near schools, homes

People being paid to gather signatures for a California referendum to reverse a state law banning drilling near schools, homes and hospitals are using lies to lure unsuspecting residents to sign the...

Clean energy advocates urge N.C. regulators to reject Duke’s proposed rooftop solar policy changes

North Carolina regulators must reject a Duke Energy plan to impose new fees and onerous requirements on residential solar customers, says a coalition of advocacy groups. They say the plan ignores a...

PG&E asks California regulators to ‘recover’ $1.36B from ratepayers for cost of utility’s wildfires

Just days after Pacific Gas & Electric persuaded California regulators to back a calamitous plan that will tank the state’s popular rooftop solar program, the reviled utility is asking the same...

California regulators’ vote to quash rooftop solar undermines Gov. Newsom’s climate goals

Golden State regulators have released their final proposed decision, the state’s monopoly utilities which will quash its wildly successful rooftop solar program. The plan will hobble solar’s growth by...

PG&E lays off scores of fire safety workers, despite horrendous wildfire record

Pacific Gas & Electric has laid off at least 800 contract employees over the past few weeks, including many responsible for helping prevent wildfires. The layoffs come despite PG&E’s long history of...

EWG urges California to drop half-baked attack on future of home solar program

The Environmental Working Group filed comments urging California regulators to drop a harebrained proposal to wreck the state’s popular rooftop solar policy. The program gives working- and middle...

EWG applauds Gov. Newsom’s plan to make big oil pay for gouging Californians at the pump

The Environmental Working Group applauds California Gov. Gavin Newsom and state Legislature members for making good on their promise to penalize big oil companies for rampant price gouging at the pump...
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